Decentralised Exchange

Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Performing swaps
  3. Adding liquidity
  4. Removing liquidity


The DeFiChain Decentralised Exchange is a marketplace where users can exchange their tokens for other on chain tokens. The DeFiChain DEX uses the automated market maker model where asset prices are defined by the ratio of available liquidity in the liquidity pool.

Each DeX pair (colloquially called pool pair) has the following properties:

Token A IDToken ID of the first asset in the pool
Token B IDToken ID of the second asset in the pool (generally 0 for DFI)
A reservesAmount of Token A available in pool pair
B reservesAmount of Token B available in pool pair
CommissionSwap fees for pool pair

The price of an asset can be determined by the ratio between the reserves of the two assets in the pool pair.

In the DeFiChain DEX, liquidity is distributed uniformly.

The DEX uses the x * y = k formula. Learn more about how it works in the Uniswap paper on the model and this article.

$$ price_A = \frac{reserve_B}{reserve_A} $$

$$ price_B = \frac{reserve_A}{reserve_B} $$

The formula used for calculating output amount when swapping from A to B is

$$ output = reserve_B - \frac{reserve_B * reserve_A}{reserve_A + input} $$

Swaps are executed with the following steps:

  1. Check if pool pair is activated
  2. Check if minimum liquidity is available in the pool pair
  3. Check if price is under maximum price
  4. Subtract swap fees from input amount
  5. Subtract DeX input fees from input amount (set using governance variables)
  6. Add input amount to reserves and extract output from reserves

There are two possible types of swaps, single and composite. Single swaps are swaps where the swap route has just one pool pair, whereas composite swaps can go through up to 3 pool pairs.

For example, swapping from ETH to DFI is a single swap since it only uses the ETH-DFI pool. However swapping from DUSD to ETH is a composite swap since the DUSD is first swapped to DFI using the DUSD-DFI pool, and then the DFI is swapped to ETH using the ETH-DFI pool.

When using composite swaps, every pool pair used will apply their own fees. See FAQ.

See how the amount of LP tokens are caluclated here.

LP Rewards

Pools have block rewards and swap fees (called commissions). These rewards are paid out in proportion to the user's share of the total liquidity. LP rewards are transferred to the user when performing interactions any pool, such as adding/removing liquidity and swapping.

$$ share = \frac{liquidity}{totalLiquidity} $$

Depending on the token type, the block reward is a share of the "Liquidity Pools" coinbase allocation (rewardPct) for crypto tokens, or "Loans" (rewardLoanPct) for mintable dTokens.

Performing swaps

Swapping tokens can be performed using the poolswap RPC for single swaps and compositeswap RPC for composite swaps.

The testpoolswap RPC can be used to simulate the results of the pool swap. Use the path argument to force simple or composite swaps.

Single swaps

To perform single swaps, the following metadata must be provided to the RPC endpoint

  • from: address which sends input tokens
  • tokenFrom: ID or symbol of input token
  • amountFrom: amount of tokens to swap
  • to: address to send output to
  • tokenTo: ID or symbol of output token
  • maxPrice: maximum acceptable price

Optionally, users can specify UTXOs to spend for the swap.

The metadata and UTXO data is passed as a JSON object to the RPC.

defi-cli poolswap {"from":"str","tokenFrom":"str","amountFrom":n,"to":"str","tokenTo":"str","maxPrice":n} ( [{"txid":"hex","vout":n},...] )
defi-cli poolswap '{"from": "MyAddress", "tokenFrom": "MyToken1", "amountFrom": "0.001", "to": "MyAddress", "tokenTo": "Token2", "maxPrice": "0.01"}' '[{"txid": "id", "vout": 0}]'

e.g. Swapping 1 ETH to DFI, the command would be

# using symbols
defi-cli poolswap '{"from": "tnLRVU32vCfGD6...", "tokenFrom": "ETH", "amountFrom": "1", "to": "tnLRVU32vCfGD6...", "tokenTo": "DFI", "maxPrice": "0.01"}'
# using token ID
defi-cli poolswap '{"from": "tnLRVU32vCfGD6...", "tokenFrom": "1", "amountFrom": "1", "to": "tnLRVU32vCfGD6...", "tokenTo": "0", "maxPrice": "0.01"}'

Composite swaps

Composite swaps have the same RPC structure as single swaps.

defi-cli compositeswap {"from":"str","tokenFrom":"str","amountFrom":n,"to":"str","tokenTo":"str","maxPrice":n} ( [{"txid":"hex","vout":n},...] )
defi-cli compositeswap '{"from": "MyAddress", "tokenFrom": "MyToken1", "amountFrom": "0.001", "to": "MyAddress", "tokenTo": "Token2", "maxPrice": "0.01"}' '[{"txid": "id", "vout": 0}]'

e.g. Swapping 1 ETH to DUSD, the command would be

# using symbols
defi-cli poolswap '{"from": "tnLRVU32vCfGD6...", "tokenFrom": "ETH", "amountFrom": "1", "to": "tnLRVU32vCfGD6...", "tokenTo": "DUSD", "maxPrice": "0.0001"}' '[]'
# using token ID
defi-cli poolswap '{"from": "tnLRVU32vCfGD6...", "tokenFrom": "1", "amountFrom": "1", "to": "tnLRVU32vCfGD6...", "tokenTo": "17", "maxPrice": "0.0001"}' '[]'

Adding liquidity

To enter an LP position, the addpoolliquidity RPC can be used. Equal value of assets must be provided when entering an LP. The RPC will reject the request if the price impact of adding liquidity is more than 3%. The arguments for the RPC are

  • from: addresses and tokens to add to LP
  • shareAddress: address to credit LP tokens to
  • inputs: (optional) UTXOs to spend
defi-cli addpoolliquidity {"address":"str"} "shareAddress" ( [{"txid":"hex","vout":n},...] )
defi-cli addpoolliquidity '{"address1": "1.0@DFI", "address2": "1.0@ETH"}' share_address '[]'

e.g. adding 0.1 ETH and 1 DFI of liquidity and credit LP tokens to address tnLRVU32vCfGD6...

# add liquidity from different addresses
defi-cli addpoolliquidity '{"tnLRVU32vCfGD6...":"1.0@DFI","df1q8e3ce1j51m...":"0.1@ETH"}' tnLRVU32vCfGD6... '[]'
# add liquidity from same address
defi-cli addpoolliquidity '{"tnLRVU32vCfGD6...": ["1.0@DFI", "0.1@ETH"]}' tnLRVU32vCfGD6... '[]'
# auto select accounts to add liquidity with
defi-cli addpoolliquidity '{"*": ["1.0@DFI", "0.1@ETH"]}' tnLRVU32vCfGD6... '[]'

Removing liquidity

To exit an LP position, the removepoolliquidity RPC can be used. The RPC will redeem LP tokens for equal values of both pool assets.

The arguments are

  • from: address to redeem LP from
  • amount: amount of LP tokens to redeem
  • inputs: (optional) UTXOs to spend
defi-cli removepoolliquidity "from" "amount" ( [{"txid":"hex","vout":n},...] )
defi-cli removepoolliquidity from_address 1.0@LpSymbol

e.g. redeeming 1 ETH-DFI LP token from address tnLRVU32vCfGD6...

defi-cli removepoolliquidity tnLRVU32vCfGD6... 1.0@ETH-DFI