Run a Local Node in Changi

Get the binaries

Go to the official DeFiChain release section and look for the latest version of the node.

Then click on the Assets dropdown at the end of each release section. Then select the binaries for your Operating System.

Once you have downloaded the binaries extract them to your desired directory. You should see three files inside the bin folder:

  • defid: DeFiChain node
  • defi-cli: Command line interface to interact with the node
  • defi-tx: utility tool to build and sign transactions on DeFiChain

For the purpose of this guide we will only be using defid and defi-cli.

Runing the node

To run the node just run the defid binary with the -changi flag

defid -changi

If you want defid to run as a deamon (in the background) add the -daemon flag to the command above. Also if you want to have additional debug information about the EVM add RUST_LOG=debug to the begining of the command.

RUST_LOG=debug defid -changi --daemon

Once the node is running it should start syncing. The process of syncing can take up to a couple of hours depending on your machine so just be patient.

To check if the node is synced you can open a new terminal, run the following command and check if the fields blocks and headers are equal:

defi-cli getblockchaininfo | head

Connect Metamask.

To connect to MetaMask the process is the same as the one described in Connect Metamask to Floppynet and in point 4 use the Changi Testnet connection data below. For now only the Chain ID and the optional block explorer in the Changi Testnet are different:

NetworkRPC URLChain IDBlock Explorer
Changi Testnethttp://changi.dfi.team1133


To get Changi Testnet DFI you can use the faucet provided by the community at