Governance Variables

Governance variables are used to track key stats and set key parameters for key blockchain utilities.

LP_LOAN_TOKEN_SPLITS*sets block reward distribution for dToken liquidity providers
LP_SPLITS*sets block reward distribution for crypto liquidity providers
ICX_TAKERFEE_PER_BTCdefines taker fee rate for ICX
LP_DAILY_LOAN_TOKEN_REWARDtotal amount of DFI paid to loaned token holders per day
LP_DAILY_DFI_REWARDtotal amount of DFI paid to liquidity providers per day
LOAN_LIQUIDATION_PENALTYliquidation penalty percentage (as percentage)
ORACLE_BLOCK_INTERVALoracle update rate
ORACLE_DEVIATIONmaximum permissible deviation between reported oracle values (as percentage)

*split between dToken and crypto LPs is defined in the coinbase reward scheme.


Variable path is ATTRIBUTES/v0/params/dfip2203/{attribute name}.

block_periodfutures contract expiration time
reward_pctpremium/discount on expiry based on price difference between DEX price and oracle price (as percentage) (see dfip#2203-A)
activeare futures enabled

Economy stats

Variable path is ATTRIBUTES/v0/live/economy/{attribute name}.

dfip2203_mintedamount of tokens minted in futures
dfip2203_burnedamount of collateral burned in futures
dfip2203_currentamount of tokens minted + amount currently in active contracts
dfi_payback_tokensamount of tokens loans are paid back in by token type (DFI and DUSD)

Token attributes

Variable path is ATTRIBUTES/v0/token/{Token ID}/{attribute name}.

loan_collateral_factorcollateral factor percentage for token
fixed_interval_price_idoracle price feed for token
dex_in_fee_pctDEX fee for swapping from
dex_out_fee_pctDEX fee for swapping to
loan_minting_enabledallowed to mint token for loans (boolean)
loan_minting_interestrate interest per block on minted tokens* (usually set to 0)

*this interest is in addition to the vault scheme's interest rate